Happy Independence Day

Your body’s an amazing self-governing unit if it has the resources it needs to defend you against infection, maintain energy levels and keep you thinking clearly

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Happy Independence Day

It’s the 4th of July, Independence day in America and a time for celebration; barbeques, picnics and a few beers!

Now, the outworking of ‘Independence’ is the idea of self-government leading to freedom….

Well, you can have all the freedom in the world, but if you’re feeling rundown, ill, fuzzy minded or lacklustre, how can you enjoy it?

The good news is, your body’s an amazing self-governing unit if it has the resources it needs to defend you against infection, maintain energy levels and keep you thinking clearly.

What do you need?

There are 12 particular micronutrients worth highlighting that specialise in boosting your immune system, keeping your thinking clear and maintaining your energy levels.

So, it’s an excellent idea to keep your body well supplied with these 12 if you want to maximise your ability to self-govern and exercise your freedom.

Energy and clear thinking

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 is essential for turning carbohydrates and fats into energy and maintaining a healthy acid/alkaline balance in your body.

But the thing about coenzyme Q10 is that for your liver to produce this amazing nutrient you need adequate supplies of these 6 B vitamins:
  • B6 
  • B12
  • Riboflavin (B2) 
  • Niacin (B3)
  • Folate (B9) 
  • Pantothenic acid (B5) 
  • Vitamin C
The first symptoms of a lack of coenzyme Q10 is physical and mental fatigue.

Immune system

To keep your immune system in peak condition you need,:
  • Vitamin A
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Copper 
  • Selenium 
All of these nutrients enable your immune system to function and fend off attacking bacteria and viruses that lead to feeling ill and run down.

Bit too technical?

So, you might be thinking great, but where am I going to get all of those nutrients from?

More good news, there are meals that are stacked with these nutrients and the one I’m thinking of is an Independence Day classic.

Ribs with potato salad followed by strawberries with shortcake and cream

This meal will give you on average over 60% or your daily requirement for all 12 nutrients, (ranging from 26% to 125%). Click the links below to get the recipes and the full nutritional breakdown.

Barbecue spare ribs
Potato Salad
Strawberry shortcake and cream

So you can enjoy this great Independence Day meal knowing that you’re giving yourself all of the resources to enjoy your personal freedom! 

To find out more about all of the nutrients listed click here  

Matt Wright

Matt Wright

Director - Nutrient expert, researcher & data miner

I am responsible for the scientific research and data oversight at the CheckYourFood Group. A great journey of discovery for me as I uncover the myriad of goodness that natural food contains and facilitate others to promote health and wellbeing.

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