Revealed: The 1 Superfood You Need to Know

The secret to getting all your nutrients easily

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Revealed: The 1 Superfood You Need to Know

There is a superfood that will give you over 100% of your RDA for 10 nutrients, AND over 70% of your RDA for another 11 nutrients, AND one 150g portion of this superfood is only 233 calories, AND it’s fairly cheap.

First of all, I need to set something straight. This isn’t a new pill or shake with millions spent on marketing, and it’s not trending on Twitter as the latest superfood (though it is indeed super). So, if you’re only interested in what the current celebrity couple are eating then you might as well stop reading now. Go on. See you later.


OK. If you’re still reading, great. That means you take your health seriously. Good for you. Right, now let’s get down to it. The ingredient I’m talking about is …. liver.

There. I said it. I know it’s not a popular choice. Some of you may love it, but some of you (including me) may have bad memories of eating this as a kid and now your stomach turns at the thought of it. Well, if you take your health seriously I’d ask you to reconsider liver. The particular liver I was talking about above that is so powerful is beef liver, cooked either braised, stewed or simmered. See it here.

I’m a secret liver eater

Now, if you’re like me and the texture and taste of liver isn’t something you think you can handle, don’t despair. There may still be ways for you to eat this super nutritious ingredient.

What I did was to try and introduce liver into meals I already cook where the taste and texture wouldn’t be so prominent.


My best effort at this was with chilli con carne. As I don’t like the texture I decided to blend the liver into a paste, and once I had the chilli made I stirred the liver into the sauce then let it cook for a good while. What I found was this gave the chilli a more meaty flavour without being too liver like. And you won’t notice the texture … I promise!

Here’s the recipe: Super lamb chilli with brown rice

Another recipe I’ve been playing with is for chicken liver pate. Now, I know this isn’t hiding the liver so much, but if you make the chicken liver pate yourself you can add all sorts of flavours that will make it much more palatable for you. Why not try it yourself? It’s actually pretty easy.

Here are two recipes you can play with: Chicken liver pateLuxury chicken liver pate

Before I go I will add one word of caution. Some livers can be very high in vitamin A so it’s advisable to only eat it once or twice a month (you probably didn’t want to eat it every day, right?). Your body stores certain vitamins so you’ll still reap the benefit of this great ingredient eating it twice a month.

Over to you

OK. What recipes do you think you can add some super nutritious liver to? We’d love to hear from you. Add your super liver recipe ideas in the comments below. The best recipe idea will earn a years free membership to CheckYourFood.

Til next time ...

Ric Pestano

Ric Pestano


What I love about CheckYourFood is how I'm still surprised by the nutritional content of the foods I eat. I love learning and CheckYourFood is an amazing journey of discovery through health and nutrition, and something I really love: FOOD.

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