Salmon fillet - wild

Wild salmon contributes to the normal functioning of your heart, brain and blood pressure and has twice the vitamin D content of farmed salmon

Salmon fillet - wild nutritional information

Wild salmon cooks and overcooks quickly. A good rule of thumb is to cook it for 8 to 10 minutes per inch of thickness, regardless of the cooking method. 

What are the health benefits of Salmon fillet - wild?

Wild salmon contributes to the normal functioning of your heart, brain and blood pressure and has twice the vitamin D content of farmed salmon. A study in 2015 (see link below) found that 43% of the salmon labelled as wild in the US was in fact mislabeled. This happened in the winter months but, to be safe, buy your fish from a reputable fish monger to ensure when you ask for fresh, you’re getting fresh! 


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Portion size set to: 150 g