3/14/2025 12:51:23 PM

Total sugars

Health benefits of Total sugars:
Total sugars are the combination of 'free' and 'natural' sugars

The Worlds Science

What are total sugars?

Total sugars are the total amount of sugars you consume in a day. Most websites will only display total sugars but at checkyourfood.com we have separated the free/added sugars and natural sugars and given the total sugars amount.

What are free/added sugars?

Free or added sugars are the sugars added to foods to make them sweeter1.

What are natural sugars?

Natural sugars are those sugars occurring naturally in fruits and vegetables2.

Some naturally occurring sugars are classed as free sugar such as honey and fruit juice concentrates.

How much do I need?

The World Health Organisation has set a guideline daily amount of 48 grams for children and 60 grams for adults of total sugars.

Monitoring total sugar intake may be very important for diabetics and people struggling with obesity.

As a checkyourfood.com premium member you can set your own personal sugar RDA to reflect your own weight and dietary goals

Want to check you not getting too much? Use the food diary to track your food and benefit from daily, weekly and monthly reports. 
Review date: 2/9/2022
Next review date: 2/9/2023
Total sugars nutritional information

Top 6 ingredients for Total sugars taking into account portion size and cooking retention factors

Filter ingredients by:

Cider strong nutritional information

Cider strong

41.25g = 82% of your RDA/RI
Jackfruit - tinned nutritional information

Jackfruit - tinned

37.2g = 74% of your RDA/RI
Lucozade nutritional information


36.63g = 73% of your RDA/RI
Chocolate flavoured milk nutritional information

Chocolate flavoured milk

36.3g = 73% of your RDA/RI
Cola - coke nutritional information

Cola - coke

35.97g = 72% of your RDA/RI
Dates - Medjool nutritional information

Dates - Medjool

33.5g = 67% of your RDA/RI