See the bottom of this page for the ingredients highest in histamineWhat is histamine intolerance? In healthy people dietary histamine can be dealt with effectively, however in some people the histamine from food builds up and causes symptoms that are similar to an allergic reaction
The activity of an enzyme called Diamine oxidase (DAO) deals with histamine taken in from our food, and it is thought that people with a low activity of DAO get symptoms similar to an allergic reaction1.
For people with an intolerance eating histamine-rich food or foods that promote the release of histamine, or block DAO may provoke allergic reactions resulting in diarrhea, chronic migraine, menstrual pain, runny nose and sneezing, asthma, low blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, rashes and itching1.
What can I do if I have a histamine intolerance
Symptoms of intolerance can be effectively reduced by eliminating high histamine foods from your diet1. See some of the foods highest in histamine below.
Foods such as shellfish and fish increase their histamine levels as they remain ungutted and uncooked as bacteria convert the essential amino acid histidine to histamine, so eat these as fresh as possible.2.
If you are on medication, check to see if they maybe interfering with your histamine management systems, medications such as antibiotics and antidepressants are known to interfere3.
Ensure that you have good intakes of zinc, copper, vitamin C, vitamin B12, folate and magnesium, as these all contribute to the management of histamine in the body3.
Use to check for the foods highest in these vital nutrients and start re-building your health!
The histamine data for ingredients has been provided by - Food data ( ), version 4, 2019, Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark